

Fees and other remuneration to the members of the board of directors, including the chairman, are resolved by the annual shareholders’ meeting. At the annual shareholders’ meeting held on 21 April 2022, it was resolved that the fee to the chairman of the board of directors should be SEK 650,000 and that the fee to the other members should be SEK 290,000. For work within the Audit Committee, the fee is SEK 60,000 to each member and for work within the Remuneration Committee the fee is, SEK 10,000 to each member.

The guidelines apply for remuneration of the CEO and other senior executives. Bufab strives to offer total remuneration that will attract and retain qualified employees. The total remuneration may include the components described below.

Fixed salary is to be market-based and must reflect the responsibility that the work involves. The fixed salary is to be revised annually. Normally, variable salary is not to exceed 50 percent of the fixed salary. The variable remuneration is to be based on established and measurable criteria, designed to promote the company’s long-term value creation, and is to be revised annually.

The Board is to annually evaluate whether or not a long-term share-based incentive programme for senior executives and any other employees is to be proposed to the AGM.

Senior executives may be offered individual pension solutions. The pensions are, as far as possible, to be defined contribution.

Other benefits may be provided but are not to constitute a significant portion of the total remuneration.

The notice of termination between the company and the CEO is a maximum of 18 months.

Other senior executives are to have a shorter notice of termination period.

The Board is entitled, in individual cases and if there are specific reasons, to deviate from the above guidelines for remuneration. Should such deviation occur, information about this and the reason must be reported at the next AGM.

The complete renumeration guidelines for the CEO and other senor executives can be found here. The guidelines was decided by the AGM 2021 and has since then not been changed.

The Annual General Meeting on 25 April 2019 resolved to adopt a long-term share-based incentive programme based on call options, comprising the CEO, senior executives and other key employees within the Group. The programme comprises a maximum of 350,000 call options, corresponding to approximately 0.9 percent of the total number of shares in the company. The purchase price for the call options has been set, using a Black & Scholes valuation, at SEK 9.04, corresponding to the market value of the options at the date of transfer. Each call option entitles the holder to acquire one share in Bufab during the period 15 August 2022–15 February 2023. The purchase price per share is SEK 109.96, corresponding to 115 percent of the volume-weighted average price paid for the company’s share on Nasdaq Stockholm during the period 14 August 2019 and 20 August 2019. During the period, a total of 306,000 call options were subscribed for.

To encourage participation in the programme, the Board of Directors has resolved on a subsidy in the form of gross salary additions to participants who remain as employees of the company in 2022, which may correspond to not more than the price paid for the call options. To hedge Bufab’s delivery of shares, the Annual General Meeting also resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to repurchase a maximum of 350,000 shares in the company, and approved the transfer of a maximum of 350,000 of the company’s shares to the participants of the programme. During the year, 302,252 shares were repurchased for the equivalent of SEK 31 million.

The Annual General Meeting on 21 April 2020 resolved to adopt a long-term share-based incentive programme based on call options, comprising the CEO, senior executives and other key employees within the Group. The programme comprises a maximum of 350,000 call options, corresponding to approximately 0.9 percent of the total number of shares in the company. The purchase price for the call options has been set, using a Black & Scholes valuation, at SEK 12.12, corresponding to the market value of the options at the date of transfer. Each call option entitles the holder to acquire one share in Bufab during the period 15 May 2023–15 November 2023. The purchase price per share is SEK 90.20, corresponding to 115 percent of the volume-weighted average price paid for the company’s share on Nasdaq Stockholm during the period 5 May 2020 and 12 May 2020. During the period, a total of 258,450 call options were subscribed for.

To encourage participation in the programme, the Board of Directors has resolved on a subsidy in the form of gross salary additions to participants who remain as employees of the company in 2023, which may correspond to not more than the price paid for the call options. To hedge Bufab’s delivery of shares, the Annual General Meeting also resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to repurchase a maximum of 350,000 shares in the company, and approved the transfer of a maximum of 350,000 of the company’s shares to the participants of the programme. During the year, 0 shares was repurchased.

The Annual General Meeting on 20 April 2021 resolved to adopt a long-term share-based incentive programme based on call options, comprising the CEO, senior executives and other key employees within the Group. The programme comprises a maximum of 350,000 call options, corresponding to approximately 0.9 percent of the total number of shares in the company. The purchase price for the call options has been set, using a Black & Scholes valuation, at SEK 45,98, corresponding to the market value of the options at the date of transfer. Each call option entitles the holder to acquire one share in Bufab during the period 15 May 2024–15 November 2024. The purchase price per share is SEK 261,250, corresponding to 115 percent of the volume-weighted average price paid for the company’s share on Nasdaq Stockholm during the period 4 May 2021 and 10 May 2021. During the period, a total of 90,070 call options were subscribed for.

To encourage participation in the programme, the Board of Directors has resolved on a subsidy in the form of gross salary additions to participants who remain as employees of the company in 2024, which may correspond to not more than the price paid for the call options. To hedge Bufab’s delivery of shares, the Annual General Meeting also resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to repurchase a maximum of 350,000 shares in the company, and approved the transfer of a maximum of 350,000 of the company’s shares to the participants of the programme. During the year, 0 shares was repurchased.

The remuneration committee consists of the Board members Bengt Liljedahl (ordförande), Anna Liljedahl och Bertil Persson.