- Investors
- Corporate governance
- Board Committees
Board Committees
The Board has two committees: the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee is, without it affecting the responsibilities and tasks of the Board of Directors, responsible for:
- Monitoring the company’s financial reporting
- Monitoring the efficiency of the company’s internal control
- Internal auditing and risk management
- Being informed of the auditing of the annual report and the consolidated financial statements
- Reviewing and monitoring the impartiality and independence of the auditors and pay close attention to whether the auditors are providing other non-audit services for the company
- Assisting the Nomination Committee in preparing proposals for the general shareholders’ meeting’s decision to elect auditors
The currently appointed Committee members are:
- Eva Nilsagård (Chairman)
- Bengt Liljedahl
- Per-Arne Blomquist
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee prepares remuneration principles, remuneration, and other employment terms for the CEO and senior executives.
The Remuneration Committee comprises three members. The Board appoints Committee members every year at the statutory Board meeting or when a Committee member needs to be replaced. The Board also adopts an instruction for the Committee’s work at the statutory meeting.
The currently appointed Committee members are:
- Bengt Liljedahl (Chairman)
- Anna Liljedahl
- Bertil Persson