Bufab as an investment
Bufab’s market share has steadily increased over the past eight years, and we want to continue growing. Learn more about the main reasons why you should invest in Bufab.
Bufab's strategy is simple but ambitious and focuses on four areas: Grow, Improve, Invest, and Acquire.
Risks and risk management
Risk exposure is a natural part of our business. Find out more about the most significant risks and Bufab’s approach to risk management.

Invest in Bufab
Financial information
Financial reports & presentations
This section contains Bufab’s Annual and Interim Reports, as well as Presentations and Audio recordings.
Financial targets
Bufab has several financial targets, aiming to achieve sustainable leadership.
Financial calendar
Here you find the dates for the release of Bufabs’s financial reports, and other relevant investor-related events and publications.
The share
Corporate governance
General meetings - Nominating Committee
Deliverables on the basis of the actual cost of direct labour, at specified hourly rates, and the actual cost of materials and equipment usage.
Board of Directors
Find out who our board members are, their present assignments, and their holdings in Bufab Group.
Group Management
Details about our Group Management Team and links to their LinkedIn profiles.
Board Committees
The Bufab Board has two committees: the Audit Committee and the Remuneration Committee.
Details about remuneration to the board of directors, CEO, the members of the management team, and the incentive programs.
Internal control
Learn more about our internal control systems and monitoring functions.
Articles of Association
The Articles of association for Bufab AB (publ), as adopted by the AGM on April 20, 2021.

Corporate Governance Report 2022
The purpose of Bufab’s corporate governance is to create a clear delegation of roles and responsibilities between owners, the Board, the Board’s Committees, and senior management. Corporate governance at Bufab is based on applicable legislation, primarily the Swedish Companies Act, Nasdaq Stockholm’s rules and regulations, the Code, and internal guidelines and rules. Below you will find Bufab’s latest Corporate Governance Reports as well as earlier reports from 2013 onwards.